Интенсивность движения на скоростных дорогах «Автодора» выросла на 33% в 2024 году
В Петербурге до 8 марта арестовали мужчину за постоянное избиение пожилой матери
Формат больших пресс-конференций себя оправдывает
Сегодня в Курск прибыла большая партия спецтехники из столицы
Even in a volatile market, these large-caps have ‘strong buy’ & ‘buy’ recos and an upside potential of more than 36%
For some time now we have spoken of the need to keep an eye on the currency markets. While there is a clear indication of a slowdown, what is hitting the equity markets more is events in the currency markets. As the rupee weakens, it is driving some of the hot money out of the Indian markets. The sudden increase in oil prices is another headache. Old timers would have seen all this before. But for those who entered the market after 2021, it is probably their first experience of a major correction.