Победители "Новогоднего миллиарда"-2025 начали оформлять миллиардные выигрыши
Коррупция, собаки и чурка позора: депутат Петр Аммосов снова удивляет заявлениями
На архангельском «Труде» стартовали юношеские всероссийские соревнования по хоккею с мячом
Эти трагедии потрясли Ульяновск в 2024 году
These large-caps have ‘strong buy’ & ‘buy’ recos and an upside potential of more than 30%
Volatility is back, so is the fear of another round of correction. But before worrying about what’s happening on the street, understand that, at this point, what is causing volatility is mostly not about India – it is about emerging and currency markets. It might not appear to be significant here, but for global investors, the Chinese currency, Renminbi, moving below 7.30 to the US dollar last Friday was a big deal. It also pushed the rupee lower against the dollar. For a hedge fund, whose game is based on arbitrage...