Водитель трагически погиб в ДТП в Лефортовском тоннеле Москвы
Студентка ИРНИТУ Екатерина Кутявина выиграла конкурс «Твой Ход-2024» с проектом в номинации «Делаю»
В Тамбовской области открыт новый путепровод на трассе Р-208
Энергетики установили более 210 тыс приборов учета на территории Подмосковья
US' credit score hangover hitting riskiest borrowers. Are there more troubles ahead?
Credit scores in United States of America soared during the pandemic, enabling a borrowing binge that has now forced a reckoning. Even for people who kept their credit score steady by making their payments, interest rates and higher prices are proving to be a double whammy. Americans whose credit scores jumped early in the pandemic are falling behind on loan payments at higher than expected rates.