В логистическом центре «Почта России» прошло профилактическое занятие
Евгений Гришковец о трусах друзьях-олигархах
На лечение оленей в Охотском округе выделят более 8 миллионов рублей
Сносил все на своем пути: в Новосибирске произошло массовое ДТП с трамваем
Where will additional trains be launched for the New Year
Tengrinews.kz - It has become known which additional trains will run in Kazakhstan during the December holidays. This is due to high demand.
The data was provided by the press service of JSC "Passazhirskiye perevozki."
Additional trains will run on the following routes:
Train №201/202 Astana - Almaty:
from Astana on December 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28 of the current year, as well as January 1 and 4, 2025.
from Almaty on December 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29 of the current year, as well as January 2 and 5, 2025.