Началась выдача ключей дольщикам последних корпусов ЖК в Пресненском районе
Почта России выпустила марку в честь 100-летия со дня рождения актёра Иннокентия Смоктуновского
Руководитель фракции КПРФ в Московской областной Думе Александр Наумов провел прием жителей в Домодедове
Россия впервые оказалась в тройке лидеров по вредоносному бот-трафику
Swiss National Bank lowers key interest rate to 0.25%
The Swiss National Bank (SNB) has lowered the key interest rate by a further 25 basis points. It now stands at 0.25%. + Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox This is the fifth interest rate cut in a row. In March, June and September 2024, the SNB lowered the key interest rate by 25 basis points each time, and then by as much as 50 basis points last December. Previously, the central bank had raised the key interest rate from -0.75% in June 2022 to 1.75% in just five steps. The reason for this was the sharp rise in inflation...