Против резолюции о запрете героизации нацизма среди прочих проголосовала
Трансформация борьбы с терроризмом в современном мире – причины и последствия
Кузбассовцы могут поддержать один из городов Сибири в финале конкурса за звание «Молодежная столица России 2025»
Пик похолодания в Москве наступит 19 декабря
Electricity bills slashed to bailout struggling Swiss steelworks
Swiss lawmakers have agreed to slash electricity bills at four struggling steel and aluminum plants in a rare bailout of a strategically important industry. +Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox Both parliamentary chambers have voted in favor of amending the Electricity Supply Act. Following the decision, the law now stipulates that iron, steel and light metal foundries "of strategic importance" will receive financial relief under certain conditions. + Read about the Swiss steel...
Ahead of its January launch, one of the best city builders around is getting a free demo that 'allows you to play endlessly' with some of the new features coming next year