Программы ко Дню полиции пройдут в Ленинском округе
Оборот обрабатывающих производств Москвы вырос почти на 22% за девять месяцев
Мытищинские депутаты определили частичный состав Общественной палаты округа
«Роснефть» и ВТБ начали переговоры о вхождении комплекса «Звезда» в ОСК
How a Swiss-led global network fosters greater access to AI
Switzerland is spearheading a global initiative to promote equal access to artificial intelligence (AI), regardless of a country’s economic strength or political power. Three pilot projects demonstrate the power of pooled international resources to boost AI research into some of the world’s most pressing problems. + Get the most important news from Switzerland in your inbox AI is widely acknowledged as a breakthrough technology that can power rapid advances in many areas of scientific research, from weather predictions to medicine and energy.