Миграционный ад, «Фестивали плова»: Россия подчиняется решениям СНГ времен Ковида – какая мразь «забыла» их отменить?
How to invest in this market sell-off, according to a top fund that's survived every crash since 1929 Getty ImagesWhen investors get antsy, managers of the 96-year-old Vanguard Wellington Fund strike.Sell-offs can put quality stocks on sale for dubious reasons.Here's the part of the market that a top-performing investor is targeting now.In the last 96 years, the Vanguard Wellington Fund (VWELX) has been through it all.Three months after its inception, what's now the third-longest-active mutual fund got rocked by the Wall Street crash of 1929, which... Читать полностью...
«Я был полностью парализован целый год»: История Артёма, который не лечил ВИЧ и столкнулся с туберкулёзом