Гала-концерт Московского фестиваля «Не прервется связь поколений» пройдет 4 апреля
Золото Франции нашлось в России // Злоумышленники устроили распродажу похищенных монет
Круговой: «Сборная Замбии намного сильнее Гренады и Брунея»
Israel opposition urges general strike over security chief ouster
If the government "decides to disobey the Court's decision it will become a government outside of the law," Yair Lapid told thousands of demonstrators in central Tel Aviv.
"If that happens, the entire country should stop," he said. "The only system that must not stop is the security system."
The unprecedented move to fire Shin Bet chief Ronen Bar has deepened divisions in the country as Israel resumes its military operations in the Gaza Strip.
Attorney General Gali Baharav-Miara said on Friday...