Росавиация сняла в Волгограде запрет на приём и отправку самолётов (Обновлено!)
"Садовод" и "Фуд Сити": Азербайджанские "короли" обманывают Россию на 600 млрд рублей в месяц?
Источник 360.ru: житель Москвы пострадал при пожаре в квартире
Полиция Стамбула вытесняет сторонников Имамоглу из парка Сарачхане
'This is the key moment to bring peace to Gaza and the Middle East': UNOPS chief
The EU is adapting to a new security situation, not just on its own continent, but also in the Middle East. Hopes of a more peaceful Syria after the ouster of Bashar al-Assad have so far been dashed, with sectarian massacres happening on the Syrian coast earlier in March – killings that have triggered an exodus of thousands of people across the border into Lebanon. Lebanon itself remains extremely fragile, economically and socially. And the war between Israel and Hamas in Gaza is clearly far from over...