Гидрометцентр сообщил, что во вторник в Москве будет гололедица и до 2°C
Петросян опроверг сообщения об отмене своих концертов
"Ъ": в 42 российских регионах пересмотрели диапазоны тарифов на электроэнергию
Точно по графике: ГМИИ им. Пушкина демонстрирует разнообразие гравюры
Trump administration deports hundreds of immigrants despite a judge’s ruling to stop
The Trump administration has transferred hundreds of immigrants to El Salvador even as a federal judge issued an order temporarily barring the deportations under an 18th century wartime declaration targeting Venezuelan gang members, officials said Sunday. Flights were in the air at the time of the ruling. David Smith, journalist for The Guardian in Washington, explains how the Trump administration tries to justify this debated transfer.