Дептранс посоветовал москвичам пересесть на городской транспорт
Суд заочно рассмотрит дело о мошенничестве при гособоронзаказе средств связи
Врачи центра Рошаля спасли зрение мальчику, поранившему глаз ножом
Сербия готова привлечь ФСБ и ФБР к расследованию применения «звуковой пушки»
With gold prices at all time-high, should you increase your allocation to gold, or is it time to scale back investments in the yellow metal?
Gold has recently shown stronger returns than equities, driven by trade tensions, inflation concerns, and central bank purchases. Data suggests that over the last 20 years, only 11% of stocks in the S&P 500 index have managed to outperform gold. Historical patterns also indicate towards gold’s limited long-term outperformance, as compared to equities. This is why investors should maintain a balanced portfolio with a prudent gold allocation of up to 20% for stability and growth.