30 высокотехнологичных компаний открыты в «Технополис Москва» в 2024 году
Россия и Белоруссия завершают подготовку к отмене роуминга
Optio.ru: новая онлайн-платформа для оптовых закупок из Китая запущена
Названы самые популярные регионы России для отдыха в санатории
For investors with long-term perspective: 6 large-caps from different sectors with an upside potential of up to 42%
ere’s an interesting fact about the stock markets. A large majority of those in the market will say they are long-term investors. The reality, however, is that if stocks correct and stay down for a few weeks or months, everyone starts worrying about their portfolio, and whether the stocks they own are worth holding. Whether we like it or not, major price movements of stocks tend to impact our decision-making and also make us anxious. One way to reduce the anxiety is to stay with companies where managements...