Дмитрий Миляев на встрече с Вячеславом Володиным назвал приоритетные для Тульской области проекты
Первый столичный объект здравоохранения в 2025 году учтен в Росреестре
В Румынии обвинили 101-летнего генерал-майора Раду Теодору в заговоре
В Рязани пройдут соревнования дрифта по мокрому ZDT Racing «Стена-магнит»
New Australian Open coaching 'pods' get mixed reaction
The pods are positioned in two corners on each of the major courts with up to four people allowed, similar to the set-up at team events like the Davis Cup and United Cup.
They have access to real-time data on screens for statistical analysis, with coaches having the option to perch there or in their usual place in the traditional player box, where friends and family can also sit.
It follows the International Tennis Federation in October relaxing its rules, allowing coaches to communicate with players...