Испытывая склонность. Где покататься в Москве на горных лыжах
«Дядя Петя, ты дурак?» Режиссера «ЗнаТоКов» в лицо знали по роли мерзавца
Продажи «Москвича 6» в 2024 году выросли в 10 раз, «Москвича 3е» — втрое, а бестселлером стал «Москвич 3»
Два трупа нашли в отсеке шасси самолета JetBlue во Флориде
'40-Hour Digital Arrest': Popular social media influencer shares the harrowing cost of pressing 'zero' on a phone call
Ankush Bahuguna, a popular social media influencer, recounted his traumatic experience of being held hostage by scammers for 40 hours. He was isolated from friends and family and lost money and mental well-being. The ordeal began with a fake call about a package linked to his name. He warns others to stay alert and report such scam calls immediately.