Кадеты подшефного класса Росгвардии из Херсонской области вернулись из поездки в Москву
Без стресса и лишнего веса: как прийти в себя после Нового года
2024-й стал годом китайских машин в России: популярность Chery взлетела вдвое, в топ-3 вошли Haval и Geely
For the right ‘reason’, whether one or many: 5 large-cap stocks from different sectors with upside potential of 18 to 32% in 1 year
It is an essential in all market conditions, but more so when there is volatility and high valuations. It is a minor thing, but it helps investors not only earn better returns, but also deal with bearish markets better. This simple but essential thing is “reason”. You need to have a sound reason for buying a stock and owning the underlying business. The reason could be any. Because a company is in a business where the chances of a competitor coming is next to none as there is space for only two players in that industry.