Судебные приставы требуют 8,6 млрд рублей от экс-сенатора Шпигеля
Собянин сообщил об открытии новых выходов двух станций метро
После ДТП с туристическим автобусом в Карелии госпитализировали трех человек
Устранение засоров в САО (Северный административный округ) Москвы
Equatorial plasma bubbles and their effect on air travel
View at EarthSky Community Photos. | Muhammad Rayhan in Jakarta, Indonesia, captured this image on February 5, 2023. Muhammad wrote: “The smallest full moon of the year photobombed by a commercial airplane that is about to land at the nearby airport.” Thank you, Muhammad! Indonesia is a country on the equator. And new study has just looked at something called equatorial plasma bubbles, which occur high in Earth’s ionosphere, disrupting aircraft communication and navigation for planes in and around Earth’s equatorial regions...