Вчера Вучич требовал. Сегодня начал торговаться с Россией. Цена вопроса - 700 млн евро
Колбаса из кузнечиков, сверчковые конфеты: будет ли дешевле меню из насекомых
Эксперт рассказал о количестве воды, которую надо пить зимой для здоровья
В ночь на Рождество московский общественный транспорт будет работать дольше обычного
For long-term & contrarian investors: 5 stocks from a particular segment of financial services, with an upside potential of up to 48%
From lenders, to mutual funds, to insurance companies. All of them come under the broad umbrella of financial services. Yet, each of them is different and governed by different macro and micro factors. In the past one year, each of the segments has witnessed its share of head and tailwinds. Right from scrutiny by the RBI to interest rates staying at higher levels. But at this point, there is one segment where some players with a strong background have emerged stronger; and while the narrative might still be negative...