Петербуржцев пригласили посетить рождественскую ярмарку на площадях
Доширак в салатах и подарки из мякиша: как отмечают Новый год в колониях и СИЗО
Силы ПВО ВС России сбили восемь ракет ATACMS
After Ola, Kunal Kamra takes aim at Blinkit CEO over delivery partner wages on New Year eve
On New Year's Eve, Blinkit CEO Albinder Dhindsa’s post about record-breaking orders from the platform sparked a response from comedian Kunal Kamra, who raised concerns over the wages paid to Blinkit’s delivery partners. Kamra criticised the gig economy, accusing platform owners of exploiting workers while reaping vast profits. The debate has intensified on social media, with many users questioning the fairness of gig work compensation and calling for regulation to protect workers' rights.