Бителло согласовал контракт с бразильским клубом, пишут СМИ
МЧС: овощебаза в Агрономе загорелась на 1400 квадратных метрах
Новогодние обращения Путина и Собянина покажут на медиаэкранах транспорта Москвы
Суд арестовал начальника отдела Росприроднадзора за взятки
Manmohan Singh risked his position as Prime Minister to help seal the landmark Indo-US nuclear deal
In 2008, Manmohan Singh pushed through the Indo-US nuclear deal despite strong opposition from the Left. His decisive actions and strategic alliances helped him secure the deal. This victory transformed Singh's image from a technocrat to a strong political leader and played a key role in the Congress party’s win in the 2009 elections.