Москва усилит контроль за такси в праздники: безопасность на первом месте
Двое рабочих разбились насмерть, упав с крыши в Московской области
С дачей лучше, или В поселке Рогово доступны пять земельных участков для ИЖС
Семь новых станций: Собянин запустил движение по Троицкой линии метро
Delhi issues traffic advisory ahead of Dr Manmohan Singh's funeral; know which routes to follow, routes to avoid
Delhi Traffic Police has issued an advisory for December 28 due to the state funeral of former Prime Minister Dr Manmohan Singh at Nigambodh Ghat. Significant traffic restrictions will be in place from 7:00 am to 3:00 pm in several major areas. Commuters are urged to use public transport, avoid specific routes, and plan travels with extra time.