Постное меню на Новый год: диетолог Рау предлагает вкусные и простые блюда
Будущее за передовой наукой и инженерной школой
Аналитики рассказали о подходящих под бюджет семейной ипотеки новостройках
Глава МИД Эстонии: Таллин не намерен помогать Сирии при сохранении баз РФ
For investors, with time frame of more than 2 years: 5 large-cap stocks from 3 sectors with upside potential of up to 46%
Sometimes it is better to challenge the prevailing principles. So, what is the principle when it comes to net margins? Higher the net margins better the business. But a deeper look shows that while this principle is largely true, there are some businesses where the nature of the business is such that net margins are not very high, in fact just in single digit, but at the same time, the market size or the need of the product is very large which means consistent growth. Now consider this, a set of...