Baza: Более 10 человек пострадали в ДТП на Новочеркасском бульваре в Москве
Первая лыжная гонка серии «TOPSKI FAMILY» прошла в Одинцове
В Забайкалье с рельсов сошли 24 грузовых вагона, задержаны пассажирские поезда
Воробьев: новый путепровод в Быкове сократит время в пути с 1 часа до 10 мин
Investing & trading in 2025: Better use this set of non-Nifty50 stocks to take care of the investor and trader in you
Volatility is not bad, if one is able to learn from it. The hard fact, however, is that most of us don't want to learn from the market, only earn from it. Trading and investing diverge significantly across skill requirements, capital needs, and the potential returns they offer. This distinction is widely recognized by the world's foremost wealth generators, who typically specialize in one approach over the other. Yet, many of us harbor the ambition of engaging in both trading and investing concurrently.