Последний рыцарь Серебряного века Гумилёв и его рязанские родственники
Путин заявил, что прежнее поколение политиков разрушило страну
Кремль сообщил об участии Путина в открытии инфраструктурных объектов
«Россети» направят 143 млрд рублей на развитие энергокомплекса Подмосковья
For risker-takers of the highest order: 11 stocks where policy change may lead to higher returns; however…
It is every investor’s secret dream to find stocks that will give very high returns. Or, to put it another way, a multi-bagger stock. The reality, however, is that in a market that has been on a bull run for 10 years and valuations are high, the probability of finding stocks that deliver extraordinary returns is low. In order to get such returns, you will have to take risks. But do remember that there are different kinds of risks. Buying a penny stock is a risk. Buying a stock from a sector which is currently in bad shape is also a risk.