Атака дронов на Москву: сбито 73 беспилотника, пострадал жилой дом
Собянин сообщил об отражении ПВО массовой атаки беспилотников на Москву
Пять рейсов направились в Саратов вместо Москвы из-за запрета на полеты
Сбитый беспилотник повредил кровлю жилого дома в Москве
'Dolphin Friends' appointed for the conservation of Gangetic Dolphins
The forest department in Varanasi and Ghazipur appointed eleven "Dolphin Friends" to monitor Gangetic dolphins and raise public awareness. This initiative, part of Project Dolphin and supported by the Indian government, aims to protect the endangered species during vulnerable periods like winter. The program focuses on these districts, known dolphin habitats, and involves local stakeholders in conservation efforts.