Бесплатный кинотеатр на льду откроется 21 декабря в рамках проекта «Зима в Москве»
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Средняя стоимость квадратного метра на вторичном рынке Самаре к концу года составила 115 000 рублей
Новогодний День финансовой грамотности состоится в парке «Зарядье»
On China's doorstep, Macau weaves an identity as integration looms
That day sparked his lifelong love for Patua, a creole language from Macau's 442-year colonial history that mixes Portuguese, Cantonese and other influences, now rarely spoken and classified by UNESCO as "critically endangered".
"It's a Macau-born thing... For so many centuries, the old Maquista used this language as a means of communication aside from Portuguese," said Fernandes, 63, a lawyer who writes and directs Patua plays.
Twenty-five years after colonial ruler Portugal handed control back to Beijing...