В Москве открылась новая дорога между Ярославским и Дмитровским шоссе
Новый год для героев: в госпитале им. П. В. Мандрыка представители фестиваля «Путешествие в Рождество» поздравят защитников Родины
Приморцы рискуют не вернуться домой после новогодних праздников
The right blend – or is a cocktail the better option? 5 stocks from liquor sector, 4 with upside potential of up to 25%
Imagine a company which was supplying liquor only to the state of Delhi. What would have happened to its top- and bottom-line after the liquor scam? The answer is obvious: It would take a beating, leaving shareholders high and dry. This is why, when buying stocks of sectors like liquor and breweries – where the business is either regional or is dependent on state government policies – it is better to own a set of stocks that includes both regional and national players. Because one never knows what might happen.