При подрыве военных в Москве взрывной волной выбило стекла в доме напротив
Амфитеатр появится в бизнес-центре на севере Москвы
Ефимов: детский сад на 150 мест появится в Северном Медведкове
Убийц Игоря Кириллова найдут и накажут, заявил Картаполов
How old are Saturn's rings? Study suggests they could be 4.5 billion years old, just like the planet
New research suggests Saturn's rings may be as old as the planet itself, challenging previous estimates. Scientists found micrometeoroid impacts vaporise upon hitting the rings, leaving little residue and keeping them pristine. This suggests the rings' apparent youthfulness isn't due to recent formation, but rather a self-cleaning mechanism.