ФСБ задержала причастных к нападению на псковских десантников боевики Басаева
Каллас подтвердила, что главы МИД Евросоюза утвердят новые санкции против России
Вылет самолёта Москва – Псков перенесён на 12:00
Асад вывез две тонны денег в Россию самолетом
Bengaluru: Video of two-story glass house with well-like swimming pool and bedroom with forest view goes viral
A video of Bengaluru's Crystal Hall has become popular. The glass house was designed by architect Thomas Abraham. It features residential windmills and double-layered glass. The house is surrounded by orchards and woods. Content creator Priyam Saraswat toured the property. The video shows the pool, living room, and bedroom. Netizens praised the house's design and eco-friendly features.