Очередной атлантический циклон накроет Северо-Запад России
МастЕРские Деда Мороза открыли для юных жителей Каширы в Общественной приемной
Врач Стародубова: на Новый год лучше есть больше фруктов и овощей
Пассажирский поезд врезался в грузовик на ж/д переезде в Хабаровском крае
Monday Memories: Santa was tightening his belt in 1981
Deanna Rice, 4, had visions of pricey toys dancing in her head when she sat down to write her letter to Santa. Paper and crayons were ready to go, until mom suggested that maybe those toys were too expensive even for the jolly old elf. That got Deanna thinking in a different direction. Perhaps she should ask for beautiful things that are free instead. With the printing help of older brother, Lelan, she asked Santa for “a sunny Xmas day, lots of snow on the ground, and a rainbow across the sky.” In this December 1981 Blade archive photo...