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Москва зажигает огни: в столице стартует фестиваль «Город света»
В Астрахани завели дело после нападения собак на двух маленьких детей
Юрист Хаминский: оплата переводом на рынке чревата уголовным сроком
A combination of conventional & unconventional: 6 stocks with dividend yields of 2.9 to 3.1% & upside potential of up to 47%
How are individual investors different from institutional investors? Among many differences, a key one is: There’s something most individual investors don't even look at before buying stocks, but institutional investors give due importance to. And that is the dividend yield at which the stock is being bought. For an individual investor, the focus is on possible capital gain. To an extent, there’s nothing wrong with this as stocks are mostly bought for capital gain - and not for the dividend that may come over the year.