В России планируют скорректировать прогноз инфляции на 2025 год
На Камчатке самолет не смог вылететь в Москву из-за проблем с двигателем
Сладков заявил о "генеральском призыве" и новой реальности: "Ветераны СВО входят во власть"
Опасное приключение: крупные операции по изъятию наркотиков
Lebanon's Mikati calls on Syrians to return home
"The consequences of the Syrian war made Lebanon home to the largest number of refugees per capita, with one-third of our population comprising of Syrian refugees", Mikati said at a Rome political festival.
"The strain on our resources has been substantial, worsening existing economic trouble and creating fierce competition for jobs and services," he said in English.
"Today, and after the political transformation in Syria, the best resolution to this issue is for Syrians to go back to their homeland," he said.