ФАР: в 92 года умер восьмикратный чемпион СССР по альпинизму Валентин Божуков
Вадим Мусаев техническим нокаутом победил Сейтжанова
В Псковской области пройдут культурно-познавательные мероприятия в рамках проекта «Город мастеров»
PM has not understood 'Bharat ka Samvidhan' is not 'Sangh ka Vidhan': Priyanka
In her Lok Sabha debut, Congress leader Priyanka Gandhi Vadra criticized the BJP government for allegedly attempting to undermine the Constitution and favoring the Adani Group. She highlighted issues like violence in Manipur and Sambhal, advocated for a caste census, and defended Nehru's legacy. Gandhi accused the government of suppressing dissent and fostering an atmosphere of fear.