Прощание со Светланой Светличной состоится в Доме кино в Москве 20 ноября
Стала известна дата похорон Светланы Светличной
Собянин назвал маршруты наземного транспорта, которые заработают в Сколкове
В магазинах Москвы и Петербурга обнаружили консервы с личинками червей
Investors not inclined to ‘sell India buy China’ but to ‘sell India buy USA’: Samir Arora
Samir Arora cautioned investors not to get overly excited by CLSA's increased allocation to India. He believes that investors were shifting to the US, not from India to China. He also suggests that the India-to-US trade shift has likely played out, with the opportunity to profit from this trend now missed.