Два человека пострадали при массовом ДТП с грузовиками в Мытищах
Хит от Людмилы Зыкиной
Отменить Россию не получилось: Захарова - о форуме "Культура. Медиа. Цифра"
Лучших автоинспекторов Одинцова наградили к профессиональному празднику
Microfinance sees 29% fall in Q2 loan delivery as lenders avert risks
Loan disbursal to microfinance borrowers decreased by nearly a third in the second quarter. Banks reduced lending more than non-bank lenders. The overall microfinance market size also contracted for two consecutive quarters. The decline is attributed to a deliberate effort to control the overheated market after significant growth in the previous two years.