Матыцин: актуальность выдвижения Дегтярёва на пост главы ОКР не вызывает сомнений
Слуховые аппараты из Фрязина представили на выставке в Москве
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Мария Чернова. "Здравствуй, товарищ Космос!"
IT stocks: Is ability to handle Trump tantrums better today? 5 IT stocks with an upside potential of up to 33%
Remember some of the headlines the last time Donald Trump was US president? They had to do with Indian IT companies finding it tough to send personnel abroad – as well as high visa rejection rates. And what happened on the street? IT stocks came under pressure. Cut to 2024. Trump is president-elect. But there is no panic reaction on the street – at least where IT companies are concerned. Is there a reason why IT stocks are keeping their heads above water this time around? And will they be able to do so once Trump takes charge on January 20...