В Клину закупили эвакуатор для вывоза брошенного транспорта
«Калашников» выполнил контракт на поставку СВЧ армии России
В Москве пилоты пассажирского самолёта увидели 20 НЛО
Фигуранта дела о хищении у матери экс-чиновника МО России осудили на 4 года
Trump victory poses challenges for the Fed's independence
The Fed has a dual mandate from Congress to act independently to tackle both inflation and unemployment -- primarily by raising and lowering interest rates.
Anything that undermines the Fed's independence could spook traders in the financial markets, who might come to question if it could effectively tackle inflation.
"The prevailing view for the past 30 years, with the exception of the first Trump administration, has been that it's best to give the Fed the widest possible latitude to conduct monetary policy," David Wilcox...