Ефимов: На станции метро «ЗИЛ» ведется монтаж освещения
Александр Боярков: Псковскую филармонию ожидает насыщенный сезон
Что лечит врач-проктолог у женщин и мужчин?
Россельхознадзор ввел контроль за двумя производителями мяса из-за сальмонеллы
These consumer durables stocks can deliver more than 24% return in 1 year, according to analysts
Some consumer durables stocks have been under pressure. There are two reasons for this. One, in a number of cases the Q2 numbers have been less than street estimates. Two, more importantly, a number of them have large FII exposure. And with FII turning sellers in a big way since early October, there is pressure on these stocks. But this is the short-term story. The long-term story is very different. Check out Stock Reports Plus, powered by Refinitiv, for price targets of over 4,000 listed stocks...