Более 7,5 тыс предложений москвичей реализовано благодаря проекту «Город идей»
В Астраханской области, несмотря на холода, собирают урожай для крупных торговых сетей
Колагын тиштергән кызның тәнендә 2 см зурлыкта шешләр үскән
Столичных бизнесменов научат применять нейросети в своей деятельности
Corrections will come and go. Focus on owning the correct business: 5 mid-cap stocks from different sectors with an upside potential of up to 41%
A close to 300-point fall in the Nifty might appear to be a big one. But look at it differently – it is just a 1% decline. And that kind of move is common. The problem is that every market move tends to be amplified when valuations are high. This is because of the fear that a correction might spill over into the mid-cap segment – where the interest of a majority of retail investors is concentrated. Two more such sharp cuts and the street will be divided into two kinds of investors. The first will...