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Воробьев побывал на соревнованиях по стрельбе на Кубок губернатора Подмосковья

Приметы на 6 мая 2024 года: что категорически запрещается делать в этот день

Справились с «Хаймарсами», справимся и с «ATACMS» – Баранец

Мужчину госпитализировали после стрельбы в Калужской области

‘Meanwhile boomers are allowed to grope people in the office’: Worker calls out this company’s behavior. He gets fired for it

‘Meanwhile boomers are allowed to grope people in the office’: Worker calls out this company’s behavior. He gets fired for it

One worker has a bone to pick with "boomers" and used his platform to voice serious criticisms.

In a viral TikTok, Alec Pritchard (@Alec Pritchard) shared what happened after he blasted "incompetent" co-workers on his social media and what he plans to do moving forward.

"Hey everybody, welcome back to 'Brain-dead Boomers in the Office,'" the TikToker began in the clip.

He went on to point out that the older generation of workers often refer to millennials and Gen Z as lazy and entitled.

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«585*ЗОЛОТОЙ» усовершенствовала процесс обучения новых сотрудников через механизм наставников и стажеров

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